Finding Purpose in Pain

August 30, 2023

We all go through pain in life, but not all of us discover our purpose in our pain. Basically, there are two critical decisions that must be made regarding pain. The first is what to do during your pain, and the second is what do with your pain. The first has to do with you, while the second has to do with others. 

You can flounder in your pain for the rest of your life, or you can flip it and choose to use it for good. Most people miss finding their purpose in pain because they choose to live life, by either avoiding pain or looking for something to protect them from it. However, the fact is the more difficult the pain, the more the opportunity for discovery. 

In one of her articles, “Life Beyond Abuse”, Joyce Meyer chronicled how she was sexually, mentally, emotionally, and verbally abused by her father until she left home at the age of 18.   

Although her pain left an incredible scar, she has overcome and used it to write countless articles and books on topics related to abuse, self-esteem, confidence, forgiveness, rejection, gratitude, fear, and addition. Her life is a demonstration of the power of interpreting pain through the lens of God’s purpose. 

Although you may never fully understand the “why” behind your pain, deciding how you will live with it is essential. At some point, we will have to confront your past, deal with the pain and move forward. Therefore, how do you turn pain into purpose? 

Step 1

Find The Essence of Who You Are

The key to staying positive and progressing through life is discovering your essence or the core of who you are. In other words, ask yourself these questions:

  • How do you define your struggles?
  • What false images are you presenting and why?
  • What numbing behaviors (addictions) are you using to cover up? 
  • What are you willing to suffer for?
  • What are you passionate about? 

Transfer you pain to paper by writing down your answers. Explore your emotions about your pain, then get clear on what you want and WHY? 

Step 2

Pray Daily with Intention

Over the years, negative behaviors have become ingrained and habitual and your patterns of response have developed deep into your brain.  As a result, determined consistent effort will be required to establish new patterns. You must be intentional, becoming aware and present to focus on solutions, rather than the problems. Prayer can remind and reinforce who you are, and drive you to a place of service. If you are feeling purposeless, ask God to give you wisdom and direction (James 1:5).

Step 3

Discover Your Purpose

Discovering your purpose is what helps you become true to yourself and live life to the fullest. In other words, we come to a point of understanding we are a combination of our wounds and our strengths, which is all a part of who we are and why we are who we are.  Consequently, discovering your purpose brings you to a place where you can choose to act, not react to others you come in contact with. 

Transforming pain into purpose is challenging. However, Mirror Images Texas is here to help you with those challenges by equipping you with tools, to overcome abuse, trauma, and neglect.  If you need help transforming your pain into purpose, contact us today. We’re here and ready to help!