Overcoming Adversity: Strategies for a Stronger You

May 4, 2023

Adversity is defined as a misfortune, troubling situation, or hardship. When adversity strikes, and it will at some point in your life, the best way to handle it, is to have a game plan in mind. How can you overcome adversity?
  • Acknowledge your disappointments. The Bible says “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” On the other hand, making elaborate excuses and denial are two common ways to fail. When life disappoints you, acknowledge the disappointment, and your role in creating it. Pushing the blame on someone else keeps you stuck and won’t get you anywhere!
  • Journal your thoughts. Writing or journaling allows for self-expression and self-reflection in a safe, private space. You can capture your thoughts, talking about whatever is weighing you down. You can also look back on the tough times and see how much you’ve learned. 
  • Change your state of mindYour thoughts define who you are. In other words, we are what we think we are. Training our mind to view situations and problems differently, bring about a different result. Since we become what we expect, visualize and see yourself as you want to be, not as you are. 
  • Remain disciplined. Life can often feel out of control. Practicing daily habits such as exercising, or scheduling short breaks during the day create stability, which is a fantastic way to prepare your mind and body to overcome challenges. 
  • Inject humor. Laughter brings joy to the soul. Research shows laughter can literally trigger hormones which calm the body, boosting your immune system. Laughter also produces gamma waves that aid in natural healing. When all else fails, laugh!
  • Exercise your faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Don’t sink in fear or self-pity. Believing that you can make it to the other side of the mountain, will determine if your reach the peak or not. 
  • Celebrate the small things. No matter how big or small the win, celebrate your accomplishments. Celebrating successes build self-confidence, as well as shapes your sense of empowerment. Always keep in mind, successful people take the time to celebrate their successes.
  • Don’t take no for an answer. Determination is one of the most effective tools to deal with adversity. One person turning you down, doesn’t mean everyone will.  Keep asking until you get a “yes!”
  • Surround yourself with positive people. You can tell a lot about a person, by seeing who they spend their time with. Even the most resilient people lose their zest, when surrounded by negativity. Focusing your energy on people with negative thoughts will inhibit your personal development.   
  • Take time to smell the roses.  The natural world and all of its beauty, can be a natural cure for a troubled or restless soul. Although, rest and relaxation typically end up as a last priority, take the time to recharge your mind, and body by taking a walk, or tending a garden. The simplest things can calm the soul.

Although you can’t brush away the adversities of life, you can be prepared to handle them. If you need help overcoming adversity, contact us today. We’re here and ready to help!